Workspaces - JavaScript SDK

JavaScript Integration

You need to insert two snippets of HTML code responsible for the initialization and display of the workspace.

Initializing the workspace

The code responsible for workspace initialization should be inserted only once, immediately after the <body> element.

<script>(function(d, s, id){
  SE_BASE = "<customer_id>";
  SE_HTTPS = true;
  SE = window.SE || (window.SE = []);
  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
  js = d.createElement(s); = id;
  js.src = (SE_HTTPS ? "https" : "http") + "://" + SE_BASE + "/static/sdk/sdk.min.js";
  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, "script", "sphere-engine-jssdk"));

SE.ready = function(f) {
  if (document.readyState != "loading" && document.readyState != "interactive") f();
  else window.addEventListener("load", f);

Displaying the workspace

The following code should be inserted on the page in the spot where you want the workspace to be displayed:

<div data-id="example-workspace" data-workspace="<workspace_id>"></div>
SE.ready(function() {
    var workspace = SE.workspace("example-workspace");

The workspace_id parameter which is the value of the data-workspace attribute is the unique identifier of the workspace in the Sphere Engine system. It can be found in API response.

JavaScript SDK

The Sphere Engine JavaScript SDK library for the Containers module (or simply JavaScript SDK) is loaded asynchronously. For this reason, before using the functions provided by the library, it has to be initialized.

All operations that use JavaScript SDK should be performed through the SE.ready() function, i.e., according to the following scheme:

SE.ready(function() {
    // Sphere Engine JavaScript SDK usage

Using the SE.ready() function ensures that the library has been loaded, the SE object has been initialized, and no errors will occur while scripts are being executed.


We gain access to the workspace by using the SE.workspace() function, which (basing on the given workspace identifier, previously defined by the data-workspace attribute) returns the object of SEWorkspace class used to manage the workspace. For example:

    SE.ready(function() {
    var workspace = SE.workspace("example-workspace");
    // variable `workspace` is ready to use

The SEWorkspace class provides the following options for managing the workspace:

  • creating a workspace,
  • dedicated events for handling actions performed by the workspace.


The global SE object provides public methods for managing workspace.

METHOD SE.workspace(id)

An object of class SEWorkspace, which represent the workspace, is created.

Name Type Description
id * string

workspace's identifier placed in the HTML document (data-id attribute)

Returned value

An object of class SEWworkspace is returned.

<div data-id="example-workspace" data-workspace="{workspace_id}"></div>
    SE.ready(function() {
        document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
            if ( && === "btn-load-workspace") {
                var SEWorkspace = SE.workspace("example-workspace");
<a href="#" id="btn-load-workspace">Load workspace</a>

METHOD SEWorkspace.destroy()

Destroys the workspace.

<div data-id="example-workspace" data-workspace="{workspace_id}"></div>
    SE.ready(function() {
        document.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
            if ( && === "btn-destroy-workspace") {
                var SEWorkspace = SE.workspace("example-workspace");
<a href="#" id="btn-destroy-workspace" class="btn btn-default">Destroy workspace</a>

METHOD SEWorkspace.getFileContent(file_path)

Retrieve the content of the specified file. The file's content will be delivered as the fileContent event.

Name Type Description
file_path * string

path to the file; relative to /home/user/workspace (e.g., TEST.txt) or absolute path

<div data-id="example-workspace" data-workspace="{workspace_id}"></div>
SE.ready(function() {

    var callback = fileContentCallback(e) {
        // Your code goes here

    var SEWorkspace = SE.workspace("example-workspace");'fileContent', fileContentCallback);


METHOD SEWorkspace.getStageStream(stage, stream)

Retrieve the contents of the specified stage stream. It will be delivered as the stageStream event.

Name Type Description
stage * string

stage name; must be one of the following values: init, build, run, test, post

stream * string

stream name; must be one of the following values: output, error

<div data-id="example-workspace" data-workspace="{workspace_id}"></div>
SE.ready(function() {

    var callback = stageStreamCallback(e) {
        // Your code goes here

    var SEWorkspace = SE.workspace("example-workspace");'stageStream', stageStreamCallback);
    SEWorkspace.getStageStream('run', 'output');


METHOD, callback)

Assigns a function to the event (see list of events).

Name Type Description
event * string

the name of the event to assign a function to

callback * function

function to be called on an event

<div data-id="example-workspace" data-workspace="{workspace_id}"></div>
SE.ready(function() {

    var callback = function(data) {
        // Your code goes here

    var SEWorkspace = SE.workspace("example-workspace");'{name_of_the_event}', callback);


METHOD, callback)

Removes a function from the list of functions assigned to the event (see list of events).

Name Type Description
event * string

the name of the event to remove the function from

callback * function

function to be removed from the list of functions assigned to the event

<div data-id="example-workspace" data-workspace="{workspace_id}"></div>
SE.ready(function() {

    var callback = function(data) {
        // Your code goes here

    var SEWorkspace = SE.workspace("example-workspace");'{name_of_the_event}', callback);



An object of the SEWorkspace class has a collection of dedicated events called at specific moments of the workspace's operation.

EVENT afterScenarioExecution

The event is invoked immediately after the scenario finishes executing.

Data sent to the callback function

An object with the following fields is sent to the callback function

Name Type Description
data.scenario string

scenario name

<div data-id="example-workspace" data-workspace="{workspace_id}"></div>
    SE.ready(function() {

        var afterScenarioExecution = function(e) {
            console.log("> scenario: " +;

        var workspace = SE.workspace("example-workspace");'afterScenarioExecution', afterScenarioExecution);

<pre id="result" style="height: 100px;">Submit submission to see the result</pre>

EVENT afterScenarioExecutionExt

The event is invoked after the scenario finishes executing and once the workspace receives the execution details from the backend. It always follows the afterScenarioExecution event.

(Previously, this method was named scenarioResultJson)

Data sent to the callback function

An object with the following fields is sent to the callback function

Name Type Description
data.scenario string

scenario name

data.result.status.code integer

result status code (see section: submission status) string

status name

data.result.time float

execution time [seconds]

data.result.score float

obtained score

data.stages.{stage}.skipped boolean

whether the stage has been skipped

data.stages.{stage}.exit_code integer or null

stage termination exit code;
null if exit code is not available (e.g. stage skipped)

data.stages.{stage}.signal integer or null

interrupt signal for the stage termination;
null if signal is not available (e.g. stage skipped)

data.stages.{stage}.time float

stage execution time [seconds]

<div data-id="example-workspace" data-workspace="{workspace_id}"></div>
    SE.ready(function() {
        var afterScenarioExecutionExt = function(e) {
            console.log("> scenario: " +;
            console.log("> status: " +;

        var workspace = SE.workspace("example-workspace");'afterScenarioExecutionExt', afterScenarioExecutionExt);

<pre id="result" style="height: 100px;">Submit submission to see the result</pre>

EVENT fileContent

The event is invoked after calling the getFileContent method or after using se_utils_cli event command in the stage script during the scenario execution.

Data sent to the callback function

An object with the following fields is sent to the callback function

Name Type Description
data.file_path string

file path

data.content string or null

file content encoded with base64 (if no errors occurred)

data.error string or null

error message

EVENT stageStream

The event is invoked after calling the getStageStream method.

Data sent to the callback function

An object with the following fields is sent to the callback function

Name Type Description
data.stage string

stage name (init, build, run, test, post) string

stream name (output, error)

data.content string or null

stream content encoded with base64 (if no errors occurred)

data.error string or null

error message

Downloading files from the workspace

To retrieve a selected file from the workspace, you can use the SDK in two ways:

  1. By calling the SDK getFileContent method directly,
  2. By executing the command se_utils_cli event fileContent file_path in the integrated terminal inside the workspace.

In both cases, the SDK will receive a fileContent event containing the file content encoded using base64. In the case of an error, the event will have an error field indicating the reason for the error.