Handbook - Project utilities - Python package reference

This is a technical reference for the Python's se_utils package in the Sphere Engine Containers.

This package is guarantee to be compatible with a Python 3 delivered in the built-in Sphere Engine Containers project templates. It is available for straightforward import to your Python scripts.

Here you will find a detailed description covering:

  • list of utilities and their functionality,
  • discussion on typical use cases,
  • usage examples.

Package overview

The following presents a simplified reference for the se_utils package. For clarity, we separated all modules.

Module se_utils.evaluator

The evaluator module contains tools used for carrying out the whole evaluation process taken in the test stage of the scenario. It uses a chain of sub-tools from different modules: se_utils.validator, se_utils.converter, and se_utils.grader.

Module structure:


  class Evaluator
    constructor(validator: Validator, converter: Converter, grader: Grader)
  class UnitTestsEvaluator(Evaluator)
  class IOEvaluator(Evaluator)


from se_utils.evaluator import UnitTestsEvaluator
from se_utils.converter import XUnitConverter




Module se_utils.validator

The validator module contains tools responsible for checking a validity of intermediate results usually obtained during the run stage of the scenario's execution. These tools are rather incorporated as sub-tools of the tools from the evaluator module. Nonetheless, they can also be used independently, if necessary.

Module structure:


  class Validator
  class IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator(Validator)
  class XUnitValidator(Validator)


from se_utils.validator import IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator
from se_utils.result import ScenarioResult

path_user_output = '/home/user/workspace/out.txt'
path_model_output = '/home/user/workspace/.sphere-engine/out.txt'

validator = IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator(path_user_output, path_model_output)
validation_output = validator.validate()



Module se_utils.converter (Test Result Converter)

The converter module contains tools responsible for unifying intermediate results obtained during the run stage of the scenarios's execution (and potentially also outcome of validation process). Similarly to tools from the validator module, they are usually used as sub-tools of the tools from the evaluator module. They can also be used independently, if necessary.

The main task of the converter tools is produce a final tests report that can be later consumed by the tools from the grader module. The technical reference covering a specification of the final tests report is covered in detail in a separate document.

Module structure:


  class Converter
  class XUnitConverter(Converter)
  class IOConverter(Converter)


from se_utils.converter import XUnitConverter

user_junit_report = '/home/user/workspace/maven_project/target/report.xml'
converter = XUnitConverter(ut_report_path=user_junit_report)


Module se_utils.grader

The grader module contains tools responsible for establishing the final result based on the final tests report. produced by the tools from the converter module. The final result is usually a compilation of the final status (e.g., OK that states for a success), the score, and the execution time.

Similarly to the tools from the validator module, and the tools from the converter module, the tools from the grader module are usually also used as a sub-tools of the tools from the evaluator module. As with the others, they can also be used independently, if necessary.

Module structure:


  class Grader
  class AtLeastOneTestPassedGrader(Grader)
  class PercentOfSolvedTestsGrader(Grader)
  class WeightedScoreTestsGrader(Grader)
    get_test_case_weight_selector(test_case: TestCase) -> TestWeightSelector
  class TestWeightSelector
    classname: str = "*"
    name: str = "*"
    status: str = "ok"
    weight: float


import shutil
from se_utils.grader import AtLeastOneTestPassedGrader
from se_utils import environment

path_custom_final_tests_report = '/home/user/workspace/custom_report.json'
shutil.copyfile(path_custom_tests_report, environment.path.final_tests_report)

grader = AtLeastOneTestPassedGrader()


Module se_utils.result

The result module contains tools that allows you to manage the final result of the scenario's execution.

You can use it to:

  • set final parameters: status, time, and score,
  • get current final parameters: status, time, and score.

Module structure:


  class ScenarioResult
    class Status
      OK: str
      FAIL: str
      BE: str
      RE: str
      TLE: str
      PE: str
      IE: str
    status: Status
    score: float
    time: float
    classmethod get() -> ScenarioResult
    classmethod set (status: Status, score: float, time: float)
    classmethod set_ok (score: float, time: float)
    classmethod set_fail (score: float, time: float)
    classmethod set_build_error()


from se_utils.result import ScenarioResult

# get final status to variable
result = ScenarioResult.get()
final_status = result.status

# set final status to FAIL


Module se_utils.stage

The stage module contains tools that allows you for accessing an outcome of particular stages, mainly init, build, run, and test.

For each supported stage, you can use it to get the following:

  • stdout - output data produced during the stage,
    • or the path to the file containing stdout data,
  • stderr - error data produced during the stage,
    • or the path to the file containing stderr data,
  • exit_code - the exit code returned by the stage command,
  • signal - the code of a signal that stopped the stage command.

Module structure:


  class Stage
    stdout () -> str
    stdout_path: str
    stderr () -> str
    stderr_path: str
    exit_code: int
    signal: int
  init_stage: Stage
  build_stage: Stage
  run_stage: Stage
  test_stage: Stage

Note that the stage module doesn't allow for accessing the post stage results. This is because during a scenario execution, the post stage is the very last, so these outcomes aren't there yet.


from se_utils.stage import run_stage
from se_utils.result import ScenarioResult

if 'Hello Sphere Engine Containers!' in run_stage.stdout():


Module se_utils.environment

The environment module contains tools providing an easy access to various constants, parameters, paths, names, URLs, and more.

Module structure:


    workspace: str
    runtime: str
    runtime_data: str
    final_tests_report: str
    unit_tests_report: str
    test_cases: str
    port_http: int
    port_mysql: int
    port_mongodb: int
    port_vnc: int
    remote_url (port: int) -> str
  current_stage: str


from se_utils import environment

project_website_url =
final_tests_report = environment.path.final_tests_report


Module se_utils.webhook

The webhook module contains a tool for sending webhooks during the scenario execution.

Module structure:




from se_utils.webhook import CustomWebhook



Module se_utils.debug

The debug module contains tools providing facilities and shorthands for debugging procedures. It is intended to be used by the Content Manager for their internal purposes that should be separated from the end-user experience.

Module structure:


  debug_log (msg: str)


from se_utils.debug import debug_log

debug_log('this is an internal note for Content Manager access only')



In this section we present a detailed specification for all modules of the se_utils package.

Module se_utils.evaluator

If you are looking for a CLI equivalent of this module, please go here.

class Evaluator

Representation of the evaluator - the tool used for carrying out the evaluation process.

constructor(validator, converter, grader)
Create an Evaluator object.


Name Type Description Required Default
validator Validator Instance of Validator or Validator class No None
converter Converter Instance of Converter or Converter class No None
grader Grader Instance of Grader or Grader class No None


  • SEEvaluatorException

method run()
Perform the evaluation process. Typically, the chain of the following operations: validator.validate() -> converter.convert() -> grader.grade().


  • SEValidatorException,
  • SEConverterException,
  • SEGraderException.


from se_utils.evaluator import Evaluator
from se_utils.validator import XUnitValidator
from se_utils.converter import XUnitConverter
from se_utils.grader import PercentOfSolvedTestsGrader


class UnitTestsEvaluator(Evaluator)

Representation of the unit tests evaluator - the tool used for evaluation of the scenario execution based on the passed unit tests.

It derives from the Evaluator class.

constructor(validator, converter, grader)
Create a UnitTestsEvaluator object.


Name Type Description Required Default
validator Validator Instance of Validator or Validator class No XUnitValidator
converter Converter Instance of Converter or Converter class No XUnitConverter
grader Grader Instance of Grader or Grader class No PercentOfSolvedTestsGrader


  • SEEvaluatorException.


from se_utils.evaluator import UnitTestsEvaluator


class IOEvaluator(Evaluator)

Representation of the IO evaluator - the tool used for evaluation of the scenario execution based on the comparison between the model test output data against the run stage output data generated for the test input data.

It derives from the Evaluator class.

constructor(validator, converter, grader)
Create an IOEvaluator object.


Name Type Description Required Default
validator Validator Instance of Validator or Validator class No IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator
converter Converter Instance of Converter or Converter class No IOConverter
grader Grader Instance of Grader or Grader class No AtLeastOneTestPassedGrader


  • SEEvaluatorException.


from se_utils.evaluator import UnitTestsEvaluator



Module se_utils.validator

If you are looking for a CLI equivalent of this module, please go here.

abstract class Validator

Representation of the validator - the tool used for checking a validity of intermediate results usually obtained during the run stage.

abstract method validate()
Perform validation procedure.


  • SEValidatorException.

class XUnitValidator(Validator)

Representation of the unit tests validator for unit test reports compatible with the xUnit schema.

It derives from the Validator class.

Create a XUnitValidator object.


Name Type Description Required Default
ut_report_path string Path to unit tests report file No (default path to the unit tests report file)


  • SEValidatorException.


from se_utils.validator import XUnitValidator
from se_utils.result import ScenarioResult


validator = XUnitValidator(ut_report_path=my_ut_report_path)
validation_output = validator.validate()


class IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator(Validator)

Representation of the IO validator designed for comparing the model test output data against the run stage output data generated for the test input data.

It derives from the Validator class.

constructor(program_output, test_case_output)
Create a IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator object.


Name Type Description Required Default
program_output string Path to the output of the program No (default path to the run stage stdout)
test_case_output string Path to the output of the program No (default path to the model test case output file)


  • SEValidatorException.


from se_utils.validator import IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator
from se_utils.result import ScenarioResult

path_user_output = '/home/user/workspace/out.txt'
path_model_output = '/home/user/workspace/.sphere-engine/out.txt'

validator = IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator(path_user_output, path_model_output)
validation_output = validator.validate()



Module se_utils.converter

If you are looking for a CLI equivalent of this module, please go here.

abstract class Converter

Representation of the converter - the tool used for producing a final tests report.

abstract method convert(validator_output)
Perform conversion procedure.


Name Type Description Required Default
validator_output any Any kind of information about data from a validation process No None


  • SEConverterException.

method create_final_tests_report(test_cases)
Create a final tests report.


Name Type Description Required
test_cases list[TestCase] List of test results Yes


  • SEConverterException.

class XUnitConverter(Converter)

Representation of the unit test converter designed for creating final tests reports based on unit test reports compatible with the xUnit schema (e.g., jUnit).

It derives from the Converter class.

Create a XUnitConverter object.


Name Type Description Required Default
ut_report_path string Path to unit tests report file No (default path to the unit tests report file)


  • SEValidatorException.


from se_utils.converter import XUnitConverter

user_junit_report = '/home/user/workspace/maven_project/target/report.xml'
converter = XUnitConverter(ut_report_path=user_junit_report)

class IOConverter(Converter)

Representation of the unit test converter designed for creating final tests reports based on IO tests.

It derives from the Converter class.

Create a IOConverter object.


Name Type Description Required Default
validator_output any Any kind of information about data from a validation process No None


  • SEValidatorException.


from se_utils.converter import IOConverter

converter = IOConverter()


Module se_utils.grader

If you are looking for a CLI equivalent of this module, please go here.

abstract class Grader

Representation of the grader - the tool used for establishing the final result. The final result is usually a compilation of the final status (e.g., OK that states for a success), the score, and the execution time.

abstract method grade()
Perform grading procedure.


  • SEGraderException.

method get_final_tests_report()
Get tests from the final tests report.

Returns: list[TestCase]


  • SEGraderException.

class PercentOfSolvedTestsGrader(Grader)

Representation of the grader that accepts execution as successful (i.e., the status is set to OK) when at least one test from the final tests report is successful. The final score is set as a percentage of passed tests.

It derives from the Grader class.


import shutil
from se_utils.grader import PercentOfSolvedTestsGrader
from se_utils import environment

path_custom_final_tests_report = '/home/user/workspace/custom_report.json'
shutil.copyfile(path_custom_tests_report, environment.path.final_tests_report)

grader = PercentOfSolvedTestsGrader()

class AtLeastOneTestPassedGrader(Grader)

Representation of the grader that accepts execution as successful (i.e., the status is set to OK) when at least one test from the final tests report is successful. It does not set any score.

It derives from the Grader class.


from se_utils.grader import AtLeastOneTestPassedGrader

grader = AtLeastOneTestPassedGrader()

class WeightedScoreTestsGrader(Grader)

Representation of the grader that accepts execution as successful (i.e., the status is set to OK) when the final score is positive (score>=0). The final score is set as a sum of weights for all passing tests.

It derives from the Grader class.


  • SEGraderException.

constructor(weights_selectors=None, default_test_weight=1)
Create an WeightedScoreTestsGrader class.


Name Type Description Required Default
weights_selectors Optional[List[TestWeightSelector]] Weight selector that specify weights for collections or individual test cases No []
default_test_weight float Default weight for a test that succeeded but matched no selector No 1

get_test_case_weight_selector(test_case: TestCase) -> TestWeightSelector For a specific TestCase retrieve test case selector used to obtain weight for that test. This method is used under the hood by grade() for WeightedScoreTestsGrader. You can use it to debug you test case selectors.

Name Type Description Required Default
test_case TestCase Test case to retrieve selector with weight for Yes


from se_utils.grader import WeightedScoreTestsGrader

grader = WeightedScoreTestsGrader()

class TestWeightSelector(Grader)

Dataclass representing test weight selector for WeightedScoreTestsGrader. A selector is an object that specifies the following properties:

    dataclass field classname (optional str)
    dataclass field name (optional str)
    dataclass field status (optional str)
    dataclass field weight (required float)

  • classname - matches the class name of the test. "*" matches any class name. By default "*" is used if the property is not explicitly specified,
  • name - matches the name of the test case. "*" matches any name. By default "*" is used if the property is not explicitly specified,
  • status - matches the status of the test. "*" to match any test case status. This property is handy when you want to assign negative scores to the tests that fail. The status of the test can be failure, ok or error. ("ok" is the default value),
  • weights - weight for the test case that matches that selector. This is a required field without a default value.

For more selector use cases please see full project example or WeightedScoreTestsGrader documentation.

constructor(weight, classname="*", name="*", status="ok")
Create an TestWeightSelector dataclass.


Name Type Description Required Default
weight float Weight assigned to the test case selector Yes
classname str Test class name that this selector applies to No "*"
name str Test case name that this selector applies to No "*"
status str Test case evaluation status that this selector applies to No "ok"


from se_utils.grader import TestWeightSelector, WeightedScoreTestsGrader

selector_default  = TestWeightSelector(weight="1")
selector_failure  = TestWeightSelector(weight="1", classname="TestCaseClass", status="failure")
selector_all      = TestWeightSelector(weight="10", classname="*", name="*", status="*")

all_selectors = [selector_default, selector_failure, selector_all]

grader = WeightedScoreTestsGrader(all_selectors)


Module se_utils.result

If you are looking for a CLI equivalent of this module, please go here.

class ScenarioResult

Representation of the scenario result - the tool used for manual management of the final result of the scenario's execution.

class Status(Enum)
Enumeration of possible values for final status.

    class field OK
    class field FAIL
    class field BE (build error)
    class field RE (run-time error)
    class field TLE (time limit exceeded)
    class field PE (project error)
    class field IE (internal error of Sphere Engine)

field status
Final status of the scenario's execution. One of the following:

  • Status.OK,
  • Status.FAIL,
  • Status.BE,
  • Status.RE,
  • Status.TLE,
  • Status.PE,
  • Status.IE.

Type: Status

field score
Final score of the scenario's execution.

Type: float

field time
Final execution time of the scenario's execution.

Type: float

class method get()
Get current state of final result (i.e., final status, score, and time).

Note: this method is allowed to be used only in the test stage.

Returns: ScenarioResult


  • SEScenarioResultException.

class method set(status, score, time)
Set final result (i.e., final status, score, and time).

Note: if some parameters are not provided (or None is provided), then the value does not change.

Note: using this method is possible only in the following stages:

  • always during the test stage,
  • during the build stage for setting build error status (i.e., status=Status.BE).


Name Type Description Required Default
status Status Final status No None
score float Final score No None
time float Final time No None

Returns: ScenarioResult


  • SEScenarioResultException.

class method set_ok(score, time)
Set positive (i.e., status=OK) final result with optional custom score and execution time.

Note: if some parameters are not provided (or None is provided), then the value does not change.

Note: using this method is possible only in the following stages:

  • always during the test stage,
  • during the build stage for setting build error status (i.e., status=Status.BE).


Name Type Description Required Default
score float Final score No None
time float Final time No None

Returns: ScenarioResult


  • SEScenarioResultException.

class method set_fail(score, time)
Set negative (i.e., status=FAIL) final result with optional custom score and execution time.

Note: if some parameters are not provided (or None is provided), then the value does not change.

Note: using this method is possible only in the following stages:

  • always during the test stage,
  • during the build stage for setting build error status (i.e., status=Status.BE).


Name Type Description Required Default
score float Final score No None
time float Final time No None

Returns: ScenarioResult


  • SEScenarioResultException.

class method set_build_error()
Set final result as failure during build stage (i.e., status=BE).

Note: using this method is possible only in the following stages: test and build.

Returns: ScenarioResult


  • SEScenarioResultException.

method save()
Save current ScenarioResult object state (i.e., fields status, score, and time) as a final result.


  • SEScenarioResultException.


from se_utils.result import ScenarioResult

# get final status to variable
result = ScenarioResult.get()
final_status = result.status

# set final status to FAIL

# set final status to build error


Module se_utils.stage

If you are looking for a CLI equivalent of this module, please go here.

class Stage

Representation of the stage result.

Available for stages: init, build, run, and test. Unavailable for stage post.

Note: it's not necessary to initiate this object for any stage. Pre-initiate objects are available for importing directly from the module: init_stage, build_stage, run_stage, test_stage. You will find more information about these object below.

Create a Stage object for a given stage.


Name Type Description Required
stage_name string The name of the stage Yes


  • SEStageException.

field stage_name
The name of the stage.

Type: string

field stdout_path
Path to the file with stdout data of the stage.

Type: string

field stderr_path
Path to the file with stderr data of the stage.

Type: string

field exit_code
The exit code returned by the stage command.

Note: If stage has not been executed, then the value is empty (None).

Type: integer

field signal
The code of a signal that stopped the stage command.

Note: If the stage has not been stopped by a signal, then the value is empty (None).

Type: integer

method stdout()
Get content of the stdout data of the stage.

Warning: this method will load entire, potentially huge, content to memory.


  • SEScenarioResultException.

method stderr()
Get content of the stderr data of the stage.

Warning: this method will load entire, potentially huge, content to memory.


  • SEScenarioResultException.

class method is_available(stage_name)
Check if outcome of a given stage is available.


Name Type Description Required
stage_name string The name of the stage Yes

Returns: boolean


  • SEStageException.


from se_utils.stage import build_stage
from se_utils.stage import run_stage

contents_stderr_build_stage = build_stage.stderr()
path_stdout_run_stage = run_stage.stdout_path

object init_stage

Preloaded State object for the init stage.

Note: available for the following stages: build, run, test, post.


from se_utils.stage import init_stage

init_stage_error = init_stage.stderr()
init_stage_output_path = init_stage.stdout_path

object build_stage

Preloaded State object for the build stage.

Note: available for the following stages: run, test, post.


from se_utils.stage import build_stage

build_stage_error = build_stage.stderr()
build_stage_output_path = build_stage.stdout_path

object run_stage

Preloaded State object for the run stage.

Note: available for the following stages: test, post.


from se_utils.stage import run_stage

run_stage_error = run_stage.stderr()
run_stage_output_path = run_stage.stdout_path

object test_stage

Preloaded State object for the test stage.

Note: available for the following stages: post.


from se_utils.stage import test_stage

test_stage_error = test_stage.stderr()
test_stage_output_path = test_stage.stdout_path


Module se_utils.environment

If you are looking for a CLI equivalent of this module, please go here.

package path

Group of path parameters. Contains path to files, directory, and other resources.

field workspace
Path to the user workspace directory.

Type: string
Default: /home/user/workspace

field runtime
Path to the Sphere Engine run-time directory. This directory contains critical files during the execution of the scenario.

Type: string
Default: /home/user/runtime

field runtime_data
Path to the Sphere Engine run-time data directory. This directory is dedicated for Content Managers as a general purpose storage during the execution of the scenario.

Type: string
Default: /home/user/runtime_data

field final_tests_report
Path to the file with the final tests report.

Type: string
Default: /home/user/runtime/report.json

field unit_tests_report
Path to the default place for unit tests report (e.g., jUnit XML report).

Type: string
Default: /home/user/runtime/report.xml

field test_cases
Path to the default directory for IO tests.

Type: string
Default: /home/user/workspace/.sphere-engine/test-cases


from se_utils import environment

workspace_directory = environment.path.workspace
final_tests_report = environment.path.final_tests_report

package network

Group of network parameters. Contains values for network-related parameters like URLs, ports, and others.

field port_http
Default port for the build-in HTTP server.

Type: integer

field port_mysql
Default port for the build-in MySQL database server.

Type: integer

field port_mongodb
Default port for the build-in MongoDB database server.

Type: integer

field port_vnc
Default port for the build-in VNC remote desktop server.

Type: integer

function remote_url(port)
Get a URL address with external port number for a given internal port number.


Name Type Description Required Default
port integer Internal port number No

Returns: string


  • SEEnvironmentException.


from se_utils import environment

mysql_port =
project_website_url =

field current_stage

Get the name of current stage.

Type: string
Values: init, build, run, test, or post


from se_utils import environment

current_stage_name = environment.current_stage


Module se_utils.webhook

If you are looking for a CLI equivalent of this module, please go here.

class CustomWebhook

CustomWebhook is a tool for sending custom webhooks.

Create a CustomWebhook object.


  • SEWebhookException.

method send()
Send a webhook.


  • SEWebhookException.


from se_utils.webhook import CustomWebhook



Module se_utils.debug

If you are looking for a CLI equivalent of this module, please go here.

function debug_log(msg)

Print a message (or messages) to the dedicated stream for debugging logs.


Name Type Description Required
msg string or list or tuple or set or object Entity that is expected to be logged Yes


  • if the msg value is string, then the value is directly logged,
  • if the msg value is object, then the result of str() of it conversion is logged,
  • for list, tuple and set collection types, the new-line separated sequence of logs is logged, each of them is the result of str() conversion of the collection item.


  • SEEnvironmentException.


from se_utils.debug import debug_log

debug_log('this is an internal note for Content Manager access only')


Exceptions se_utils.exceptions

exception class SEUtilsException

General type of se_utils package exceptions.

All other exceptions derive from this exception class.

Raised by:
Currently this exception is not raised by any module of se_utils package.

exception class SEEvaluatorException

Raised for any invalid or incorrect operation related to evaluators.

It derives from the SEUtilsException exception class.

Raised by:

  • constructors of evaluators,
  • method.

exception class SEValidatorException

Raised for any invalid or incorrect operation related to validators.

It derives from the SEUtilsException exception class.

Raised by:

  • IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator.validate() method,
  • XUnitValidator.validate() method,
  • constructors of evaluators.

exception class SEConverterException

Raised for any invalid or incorrect operation related to converters.

It derives from the SEUtilsException exception class.

Raised by:

  • Converter.create_final_tests_report() method,
  • Converter.convert() method,
  • constructors of evaluators.

exception class SEGraderException

Raised for any invalid or incorrect operation related to graders.

It derives from the SEUtilsException exception class.

Raised by:

  • Grader.get_final_tests_report() method,
  • constructors of evaluators.

exception class SEStageException

Raised for any invalid or incorrect operation related to the stage module.

It derives from the SEUtilsException exception class.

Raised by:

  • Stage class constructor,
  • Stage.stdout() method,
  • Stage.stderr() method,
  • Stage.is_available() class method.

exception class SEScenarioResultException

Raised for any invalid or incorrect operation related to the scenario result module.

It derives from the SEUtilsException exception class.

Raised by:

  • ScenarioResult class constructor,
  • method,
  • ScenarioResult.set() class method,
  • ScenarioResult.set_build_error() class method,
  • ScenarioResult.set_fail() class method,
  • ScenarioResult.set_ok() class method,
  • ScenarioResult.get() class method.

exception class SEEnvironmentException

Raised for any invalid or incorrect operation related to the environment module.

It derives from the SEUtilsException exception class.

Raised by:

  • remote_url() function.

exception class SEDebugLogException

Raised for any invalid or incorrect operation related to the debug module.

It derives from the SEUtilsException exception class.

Raised by:

  • debug_log function.