Handbook - Project utilities - Built-in schemas

Some popular evaluation process schemas are available in the Sphere Engine Containers out of the box. For example, assessing projects with unit tests are often done by analyzing a unit test report. For various console applications designed for IO processing, it's characteristic to feed an app with some data and compare generated output data with expected output data. Sphere Engine Containers utilities cover that in a very convenient fashion.

In this document, we will discuss all built-in schemas and provide you with informative examples. There are four categories of built-in schemas:

  1. Evaluators - for carrying out the whole evaluation process, from combining partial results up to the final result; evaluators are composed as a chain of support tools: validator, converter, and grader,
  2. Validators - support tools responsible for checking validity of intermediate execution results,
  3. Converters - support tools responsible for unifying validated intermediate results into the final tests report,
  4. Graders - support tools responsible for establishing the final result.


Evaluator is a utility that carries out the whole evaluation process taken in the test stage of the scenario. It combines all necessary steps:

  • validation of the run stage outcome (Validator support tool),
  • aggregation of the partial results (Converter support tool),
  • final assessment (Grader support tool).

The diagram below presents the role and place of evaluators in the scenario execution process.

Evaluator and its components
Fig. 1. Evaluator and its components

Evaluator for unit tests UnitTestsEvaluator

This evaluator is designed to assess a project execution based on the result of the unit testing procedure. By default, it uses the following support tools:

  • XUnitValidator - for validating the unit tests report,
    • the unit tests report is expected to be compatible with xUnit XML schema (e.g., jUnit or PHPUnit),
    • the unit tests report should be located in the default location, so se_utils.environment.path.unit_tests_report (for Python module) or $SE_PATH_UT_REPORT_PATH (for CLI),
  • XUnitConverter - for converting the unit tests report into final tests report,
    • the unit tests report is expected to be compatible with xUnit XML schema (e.g., jUnit or PHPUnit),
    • the unit tests report should be located in the default location, so se_utils.environment.path.unit_tests_report (for Python module) or $SE_PATH_UT_REPORT_PATH (for CLI),
    • each entry from the unit tests report will be transferred to final tests report in a unified format,
  • PercentOfSolvedTestsGrader - for summarizing entries from the final tests report,
    • execution is successful (status=OK) if at least one test passes; otherwise it is unsuccessful (status=FAIL),
    • the final score is a percentage of passed tests.

Python example using defaults:

from se_utils.evaluator import UnitTestsEvaluator


CLI example using defaults:


se_utils_cli evaluate UnitTestsEvaluator

Python example with custom settings:

from se_utils.evaluator import UnitTestsEvaluator
from se_utils.validator import XUnitValidator
from se_utils.converter import XUnitConverter
from se_utils.grader import AtLeastOneTestPassedGrader



CLI example with custom settings:


se_utils_cli evaluate Evaluator \
  --grader "AtLeastOneTestPassedGrader"


Evaluator input/output tests IOEvaluator

This evaluator is designed to assess a project execution by comparing an output data generated during project execution with expected output data. By default, it uses the following support tools:

  • IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator - for comparing output data files,
    • files are considered matching with each other if they are the same up to additional white spaces (i.e., spaces, tabulations, carriage returns, and new lines),
    • output data generated during project execution is expected to be located in the default location for run stage standard output data, so se_utils.stage.run_stage.stdout_path (for Python module) or $SE_PATH_STAGE_RUN_STDOUT (for CLI),
    • model output data is expected to be located in the default test case location, so in the file 0.out in the directory accessible by se_utils.environment.path.test_cases (for Python module) or $SE_PATH_TEST_CASES (for CLI),
  • IOConverter - for creating the final tests report based on the result of validation,
    • the output from validator is consumed and analyzed to create the final result with a single test entry,
    • if the validation is successful, then the test is marked as successful,
    • if the validation is not successful, then the test status depends on the information from validator output,
      • it can be either FAIL, TLE (time limit exceeded), RE (run-time error), or BE (build error),
  • AtLeastOneTestPassedGrader - for summarizing entries from the final tests report,
    • execution is successful (status=OK) if the test was successful; otherwise it is unsuccessful (status=FAIL).

Python example using defaults:

from se_utils.evaluator import IOEvaluator


CLI example using defaults:


se_utils_cli evaluate IOEvaluator

Python example with custom settings:

from se_utils.evaluator import IOEvaluator
from se_utils.validator import IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator

path_user_output = '/home/user/workspace/out.txt'
path_model_output = '/home/user/workspace/.sphere-engine/out.txt'

  validator=IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator(path_user_output, path_model_output),

CLI example with custom settings:




# copy output files to the default locations

se_utils_cli evaluate IOEvaluator \
  --validator "IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator"



Validator is a utility responsible for checking a validity of intermediate results usually obtained during the run stage of the scenario's execution. It is rather incorporated as a support tool for evaluators, but it can also be used independently, if necessary.

Validator for unit tests XUnitValidator

This validator is designed for checking validity of a unit test report. It checks the following:

  • if the report file exist,
    • by default the unit test report is expected to be located in the default file, so se_utils.environment.path.unit_tests_report (for Python module) or $SE_PATH_UT_REPORT_PATH (for CLI),
    • alternatively for Python module, the XUnitValidator class can be initialized with a ut_report_path parameter defining different location,
  • if the report is compatible with xUnit XML schema (e.g., jUnit or PHPUnit).

Python example using defaults:

from se_utils.validator import XUnitValidator

validator = XUnitValidator()
validation_output = validator.validate()

CLI example using defaults:


se_utils_cli validate XUnitValidator

Python example with custom settings:

from se_utils.validator import XUnitValidator


validator = XUnitValidator(ut_report_path=my_ut_report_path)
validation_output = validator.validate()

CLI example with custom settings:




se_utils_cli validate XUnitValidator


Validator for comparing outputs IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator

This validator is designed for comparing for comparing two files. Usually one of these files is an output data generated during project run stage, and the second one is model output data that is expected. It checks the following:

  • both files should exist in their default locations,
    • output data generated during project execution is expected to be located in the default location for run stage standard output data, so se_utils.stage.run_stage.stdout_path (for Python module) or $SE_PATH_STAGE_RUN_STDOUT (for CLI),
    • alternatively for Python module, the IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator class can be initialized with a program_output parameter defining different location for execution output data,
    • model output data is expected to be located in the default test case location, so in the file 0.out in the directory accessible by se_utils.environment.path.test_cases (for Python module) or $SE_PATH_TEST_CASES (for CLI),
    • alternatively for Python module, the IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator class can be initialized with a test_case_output parameter defining different location for model output data,
  • files are considered matching with each other if they are the same up to additional white spaces (i.e., spaces, tabulations, carriage returns, and new lines),

Python example using defaults:

from se_utils.validator import IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator

validator = IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator()
validation_output = validator.validate()

CLI example using defaults:


se_utils_cli validate IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator

Python example with custom settings:

from se_utils.validator import IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator

path_user_output = '/home/user/workspace/out.txt'
path_model_output = '/home/user/workspace/.sphere-engine/out.txt'

validator = IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator(path_user_output, path_model_output)
validation_output = validator.validate()

CLI example with custom settings:




# copy output files to the default locations

se_utils_cli validate IgnoreExtraWhitespacesValidator



Converter (also Test Result Converter) is a utility responsible for unifying intermediate results obtained during the run stage of the scenarios's execution (and potentially also outcome of validation process). Similarly to validators, it is usually used as a support tool for evaluators. It can also be used independently, if necessary. The main task of converters is producing final tests reports that can be later consumed by graders.

Note: The final tests report is also available as one of the streams produced during scenario's execution. The technical reference covering a specification of the final tests report is covered in detail in a separate document.

Converter for unit tests XUnitConverter

This converter is designed for converting the unit tests report into the final tests report. The following rules apply:

  • the unit tests report is expected to be compatible with xUnit XML schema (e.g., jUnit or PHPUnit),
  • the unit tests report should be located in the default location, so se_utils.environment.path.unit_tests_report (for Python module) or $SE_PATH_UT_REPORT_PATH (for CLI),
    • alternatively for Python module, the XUnitConverter class can be initialized with a ut_report_path parameter defining different location for the unit tests report,
  • each entry from the unit tests report will be transferred to final tests report in a unified format.

Python example using defaults:

from se_utils.converter import XUnitConverter

converter = XUnitConverter()

CLI example using defaults:


se_utils_cli convert XUnitConverter

Python example with custom settings:

from se_utils.converter import XUnitConverter

user_junit_report = '/home/user/workspace/maven_project/target/report.xml'
converter = XUnitConverter(ut_report_path=user_junit_report)

CLI example with custom settings:



# copy unit tests report to the default location

se_utils_cli convert XUnitConverter


Converter for input/output tests IOConverter

This converter is designed for creating the final tests report based on the result of file validation. The following rules apply:

  • the output from validator is consumed and analyzed to create the final result with a single test entry,
    • for Python module, the content of validation output should be provided as a validator_output parameter during the IOConverter class initialization,
    • for CLI, the content of validation output should be provided as standard input data,
    • if the output from validator is not provided, then only the current value of final status is taken into account,
  • if the validation is successful, then the test is marked as successful,
  • if the validation is not successful, then the test status depends on the information from validator output,
  • it can be either FAIL, TLE (time limit exceeded), RE (run-time error), or BE (build error).

Python example using defaults:

from se_utils.converter import IOConverter

converter = IOConverter()

CLI example using defaults:


se_utils_cli convert IOConverter

Python example with custom settings:

import json
from se_utils.converter import IOConverter


with open(validation_output_path) as f:
  validation_output_data = json.load(f)

converter = IOConverter(validator_output=validation_output_data)

CLI example with custom settings:



se_utils_cli convert IOConverter < $VALIDATION_OUTPUT_PATH



Grader is a utility responsible for establishing the final result based on the final tests report produced by the converter. The final result is usually a compilation of the final status (e.g., OK that states for a success), the score, and the execution time.

Similarly to validators and converters, grader is also usually used as a support tool of the for evaluators. As for the others, it can also be used independently, if necessary.

Grader PercentOfSolvedTestsGrader

This grader is designed for summarizing entries from the final tests report in the following way:

  • execution is successful (status=OK) if at least one test passes; otherwise it is unsuccessful (status=FAIL),
  • the final score is a percentage of passed tests,
  • the final execution time is not set nor overridden.

Python example using defaults:

from se_utils.converter import PercentOfSolvedTestsGrader

grader = PercentOfSolvedTestsGrader()

CLI example using defaults:


se_utils_cli grade PercentOfSolvedTestsGrader


Grader AtLeastOneTestPassedGrader

This grader is designed for summarizing entries from the final tests report in the following way:

  • execution is successful (status=OK) if at least one test passes; otherwise it is unsuccessful (status=FAIL),
  • the final score is not set nor overridden,
  • the final execution time is not set nor overridden.

Python example using defaults:

from se_utils.converter import AtLeastOneTestPassedGrader

grader = AtLeastOneTestPassedGrader()

CLI example using defaults:


se_utils_cli grade AtLeastOneTestPassedGrader


Grader WeightedScoreTestsGrader

This grader is designed for summarizing entries from the final tests report in the following way:

  • execution is successful (status=OK) if the final score is positive (score>=0); otherwise, it is unsuccessful (status=FAIL),
  • the final score is a sum of weights for all the tests (see details below). You can assign weights to all successful or failed tests depending on the use case. Grader supports granular-level configuration for each test case,
  • the final execution time is not set nor overridden.

We wrote a detailed guide describing advanced use cases with the weighted grader. If you want more details then example below, we strongly recommend reading the guide.

Python example using defaults:

from se_utils.grader import WeightedScoreTestsGrader, TestWeightSelector

# Weights won't be loaded from the project config
# We state them explicitly
# To use project config, please use:
#  grader = WeightedScoreTestsGrader()
grader = WeightedScoreTestsGrader([
  TestWeightSelector(name="testCaseFoo", weight=9),
  TestWeightSelector(classname="barClass", weight=5),
  TestWeightSelector(classname="fooClass", weight=12),
  TestWeightSelector(classname="mooClass", name="testCaseFoo", weight=90),

CLI example using defaults:


# Weights will be loaded from the project config, from the "scenarios.scenario_name.tests_weights" field
se_utils_cli grade WeightedScoreTestsGrader

How the final score is calculated:

  1. For each test find a first selector that matches that test case and assign a specified weight for that selector. For ease of usage if no selector is found, then assign 1 for a successful test case and 0 otherwise,
  2. Sum up all the weights,
  3. If the sum is positive, the final status is OK (FAIL otherwise).

A selector is an object that specifies the following properties:

  • classname - matches the class name of the test. "*" matches any class name. By default "*" is used if the property is not explicitly specified,
  • name - matches the name of the test case. "*" matches any name. By default "*" is used if the property is not explicitly specified,
  • status - matches the status of the test. "*" to match any test case status. This property is handy when you want to assign negative scores to the tests that fail. The status of the test can be failure, ok or error. ("ok" is the default value),
  • weights - weight for the test case that matches that selector. This is a required field without a default value.

Example #1: Basic configuration

Selector configuration can be specified in scenarios.scenario_name.tests_weights field of the project config:

  "version": 2.1,
  "custom": {
    "sphere_engine_example_version": 1.0
  "scenarios": {
    "test": {
      "tests_weights": [
          // This selector matches any test case called testCaseFoo
          // even if there are multiple tests called testCaseFoo in various test classes
          "name": "testCaseFoo",
          "weight": 9
          // classname is missing so by default "*" is used
          // This selector matches all tests in class barClass
          "classname": "barClass",
          "weight": 5
          // name is missing so by default "*" is used
          // This selector matches all tests in class fooClass
          "classname": "fooClass",
          "weight": 12
          // name is missing so by default "*" is used
          // This matches only testCaseFoo test case in class mooClass
          "classname": "mooClass",
          "name": "testCaseFoo",
          "weight": 90
      "stages": {
        "build": {
          "command": "bash -c 'mkdir -p _build && cd _build && cmake .. && make'",
          "timeout": 120
        "run": {
          "command": "bash -c 'GTEST_OUTPUT=\"xml:$RUNTIME/report.xml\" ./_build/test ; exit 0'"
        "test": {
          "command": "se_utils_cli evaluate UnitTestsEvaluator --grader PercentOfSolvedTestsGrader --converter XUnitConverter"
      "output": {
        "type": "tests",
        "path": "/sphere-engine/runtime/report.json"
  "files": {
    "open_at_startup": [

For the example above we assume that you use the following configuration and test results in xUnit format:

se_utils_cli evaluate UnitTestsEvaluator \
  --grader "WeightedScoreTestsGrader" \
  --converter "XUnitConverter"

For xUnit test case:

<testcase name="barTestCase" classname="barClass" time="0.285"/>
The grader will assign a weight equal to 5 (the second selector was matched).

For xUnit test case:

<testcase name="testCaseFoo" classname="mooClass" time="0.121"/>
The grader will assign a weight of 9, because the first selector (counting from the top) was matched and the other ones are ignored.

For xUnit test case:

<testcase name="testCaseMoo" classname="zeeClass" time="0.913"/>
The grader will use a default weight equal to 1 because no selector was matched (default behavior fallback).

If you want to learn more about advanced use cases, we recommend reading our detailed guide on the weighted grader.

Example #2: Empty configuration

By default (so the experience is compatible with other graders) graders use fallback weights equal to 1. Users can create additional tests and they will be included in the score as well. All failed tests have weights equal to 0:

  "scenarios": {
    "test": {
      "tests_weights": []

Example #3: Use only defined tests and ignore user-written cases

By looking at the example above, you might want to score only defined tests and ignore anything else. This is useful if you have very simple example tests that you want leave not-rated by default. To achieve that behavior we explicitly add all class names and test case names and append rule to assign weight 0 for anything else:

  "scenarios": {
    "test": {
      "tests_weights": [
          "classname": "SomeClass",
          "name": "case1",
          "weight": 5
          "classname": "SomeClass",
          "name": "case2",
          "weight": 9
          "weight": 0
The last selector will assign 0 to succeeding tests that were not directly specified.

Example #4: Using negative scores for failed tests

We can assign a negative score to any test that fails. To that point negative final scores weren't possible. We append a rule that matches any test case that fails. Note that by default, status will be set to ok if not explicitly stated. This means that if we write the following configuration:

  "scenarios": {
    "test": {
      "tests_weights": [
          "classname": "SomeClass",
          "name": "testCase",
          "weight": 9
          "status": "failure",
          "weight": -1

It's equivalent to:

  "scenarios": {
    "test": {
      "tests_weights": [
          "classname": "SomeClass",
          "name": "testCase",
          "weight": 9,
          "status": "ok"
          "classname": "*",
          "name": "*",
          "status": "failure",
          "weight": -1

This means that if the test case fails:

<testcase name="testCase" classname="SomeClass" time="0.113"/>

Then we still assign weight -1 (the first rule does not match).

Example #4: Using varying negative scores for failed tests

We can define the same granular weights for failed tests as for those that pass. Extending the example above, we can write:

  "scenarios": {
    "test": {
      "tests_weights": [
          "classname": "SomeClass",
          "name": "testCase",
          "weight": 9
          "classname": "SomeClass",
          "name": "testCase",
          "weight": -12,
          "stauts": "failure"
          "status": "failure",
          "weight": -1

The following configuration will:

  • assign weight 9 to testCase from SomeClass if it passes (first selector) or -12 otherwise (second selector),
  • assign a default weight of 1 to any other passing test,
  • assign a weight of -1 (last selector) to any other failed test.

If you want to learn more about advanced use cases, we recommend reading our detailed guide on the weighted grader.
