Submission results

After submission execution, a couple of fundamental parameters are returned. They are related to measurement and evaluation.

Basic feedback parameters:

Name Type Description
status integer status code of the execution process (see. status)
execution time float time spent executing the submission
score float for projects with evaluation stage, it holds the submission score

Resulting data streams

During the submission execution, the feedback data is produced. This data usually includes output written by the application, build and run-time errors, unit test reports, and even auxiliary files created by the application during operation.

A typical submission execution is performed in steps called stages, which are more widely discussed in a dedicated article. Each stage produces its output and error data stream, which is saved and available after a complete execution. Additionally, one specialized optional stream is available for unit test reports. There is also a second optional stream, intended for a package with all other miscellaneous files that should be stored among all other execution results.

Here is a complete list of available streams produced during execution:

Name Description
tests report Report from tests
stage init output Output data generated during initialization stage
stage init error Error data generated during initialization stage
stage build output Output data generated during build stage
stage build error Error data generated during build stage
stage run output Output data generated during execution stage
stage run error Error data generated during execution stage
stage test output Output data generated during evaluation stage
stage test error Error data generated during evaluation stage
stage post output Output data generated during finalization stage
stage post error Error data generated during finalization stage
workspace init output Output data generated during execution of workspace initialization script
workspace init error Error data generated during execution of workspace initialization script
auxiliary data A tar.gz package with miscellaneous files
debug log Additional information for debugging purposes for a Content Manager